Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Honoring My Dad

I wrote this last year, for my father's 80th Birthday. His 81st birthday was on March 9, two days ago. I wanted to post this letter to honor him this year and for all the world to know what a great father I have been blessed with.

Dear Daddy,

There is a picture taken of you and me on Crispin Street. You have just gotten home from work, probably having walked from the bus stop through the woods; I remember that I used to watch for you coming out from the woods. Your white short sleeve shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing muscular arms, and you are holding something in your arm (probably a thermos). In the photo you are squatting to be eye level with me. I must be about 3-1/2 or 4 years old (after all, we moved from Crispin Street to Elderberry Drive before I was 5) and I am on roller skates. We are both smiling broadly. It is evident that I am filled with all the joy a young child could know. I don’t actually recall that exact day, but I am fairly certain it was a typical occurrence.

That photograph ingrained itself in my young memory as an example of what a daddy is: strong, caring, smiling, greeting, providing for his family, always there.

I am deeply grateful to God for choosing to bless me with you and Mom as parents. You have always been an example of a person who lives by their convictions and morals. You have never been one who instructs, do as I say not as I do. You have always worked hard to provide a beautiful home for your family, food on the table and many, many extras in life. You are a man who loves God with his whole heart. And I have been blessed to watch your walk with Him grow closer every year. You are steadfast and dependable. You are kind, loving and giving. And you are forgiving.

You are everything a child could ever ask for in a father. You are an example of a father who is truly a daddy. And you have always been Daddy to me.

I am sad not to be able to join in the wonderful celebration of your 80 years on this earth. But I know you understand how circumstances often determine our actions, so that we often do not have what we really want. You know that I am with you in heart and I am celebrating with your friends and family that God has blessed us all with you.

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

My prayers are always with you for God’s continued blessing of joy in you that you share with others.



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