Monday, March 10, 2008

Life Improvement

People have been known to say, “All my life I’ve wanted something better for myself.” This is good.

Consider replacing such a statement with, “All my life I’ve wanted to better myself.”

To change the outside, we must first change the inside.

Life improvement begins with self-improvement.


Anonymous said...

I really, really like this. It speaks to the kind of things I often ask my Creator for. If we ask for happiness, then what else do we need? If we ask for strength, what can we not withstand? If we ask to be able to give, more than receive, than what will we be blessed with? Thanks for the uplifting words.

Anonymous said...

To find out later in life I have ADD and always knew I was dislexic was an awakening. However, I have always strived to overcome those 'little' things that seem to affect my daily walk.So with that in mind; I Have been able to 'change' for the better and have internally changed to overcome my shortfalls.. Nice to be reminded.

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while a quote sticks with you and one in particular is by Wayne Dyer.
"When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change".
So many times we view our blessings as a 'given', yet our Lord has 'provided' all we need!
When we look within, we find a source of talent, energy, foresight, vision and love to be used for the betterment of ourselves as well as those who come in contact with us. Each of us have inner strengths, we just need to make ourselves 'aware'.
'Self improvement' is just that!