Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Journey

This journey we call life is merely a parenthesis of time in eternity. It is a nano moment in the great picture that God has drawn for each of us within His mural of Creation. The journey began with Him before time, and it will continue with Him after time.

We grow and change. We pray. We learn. We sing. We take and we give. We know joy. We know pain. We laugh. We cry. We praise. And if we keep our perspective in the eternal, we will be the victors through the good times and the bad, the rain that falls and the sun that shines on the just and the unjust, the righteous and the unrighteous alike. Because this portion of the journey prepares us to meet Him face to face where we will spend all eternity – the rest of the journey.


Anonymous said...

One of your best, love you mom

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

Thanks, Mom.
love you, too!

stlouismb said...

I am happy with your perspective if I avoid being too fatalistic and waiting for the pie in the sky--or worse, the "rapture" while just biding time here.

Mike Baldwin

Cheryl Ann Wills said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stlouismb said...

My point is that though in "relative" terms, our "time" on this planet is minuscule within the concept of "eternity", I do not want to think it is therefore of little importance as to what I do with my "time" here. Saying my "mortal existence" is parenthetical--like some waiting room experience, I think, can demean the value God gave/gives to it.

Brief enough? Clear enough? :)

Anonymous said...

Just read your latest blog and thoroughly was enthralled by your deep insights . I re-read all the blogs and have enjoyed your chronicals of life. I've always known you to be sensative, but these blogs reveal an inner strength that I always knew you possessed. Love it - and you! Dad

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

Children left fatherless in accidents caused by drunken drivers.
Sugar plant explosions leaving dozens of families to deal with sudden, untimely deaths of loved ones of all ages.
City council members in a small Midwest town gunned down by someone tired of being told he’s breaking the law.
Tornadoes ripping through regions, wreaking havoc and mass destruction, killing dozens and sometimes hundreds along their paths.
Four year olds suffering with leukemia.
Mentally disabled persons in a crowded marketplace who are wired with explosives detonated by Godless people a half mile off, killing tens of people and maiming countless others.
A young mother struck down with cancer, leaving her husband alone to parent their six children under the age of 15.
Drive-by shootings that leave children harmed, frightened, or dead.

When I said this time on earth is as a parenthesis of time in eternity, it was meant to draw a picture. A picture that might help many of us make our way through times like these, even if our only connection to them is as a member of the same race of humankind. It was not meant as an excuse to waste the time we’ve been given on earth. Those thoughts were one of my “notes in the night’ and only intended to comfort, not theologize. If I had wanted to theologize, I would surely at least have balanced the piece with the admonishment to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, care for the widow and the orphan, visit the prisoner. We are never meant to waste, languish or bide our time, regardless of the picture we want to paint of our walk on earth, and regardless of what we believe comes after this walk. I would have made comment about every moment of life from God being of great value, because He can give no less.
I intentionally do not want my blog to be a theology corner. It is merely a reflection of my thoughts on life as I encounter it, which will likely not be complete on any one topic. Readers’ comments are good, though, because they will enable me to clear any misconceptions that may arise because of this reflective value. And, they make for great dialogue around the dining table. I hope this clarifies where I was coming from.

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

Thank you, Dad. So glad you are enjoying the reads. Miss you and love you lots!