Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Perfectly Balanced Day

Food shopping
Tree shopping.
Home for blueberry pancakes and eggs.
A bit of office clean up.
Off to my daughter’s house to build a vegetable garden box with her and help her plant tomatoes and geraniums.
Back to our house to plant 40 more plants, mostly in the front garden this time.
The air is cool, the breeze blustery, the skies filled with dark clouds all day.
But the threatened rain never came.
We watered the newly planted greens.
Grilled burgers with roasted peppers on top, big salad with butter lettuce, spinach, cranberries and feta.
Relaxing at last with a smooth glass of Chilean Cabernet-Merlot.
Blogging in the living room while Ed watches a movie that’s to his liking and not mine.
A long and productive, pretty darned perfect and balanced day.

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