Friday, February 26, 2010

He is the sparkle in the snow

There is a song with the lines,
          He is the sparkle in the snow; the very warmth of fire glow.
If we really get our hearts and heads around the meaning those words, it is overpowering.
Earlier this week we were blessed with several sunny days of dry roads and ice-covered everything, While driving around town, I couldn’t help think of that stanza over and over.
Because at every turn, the sun shone so brilliantly through all that thick ice on trees and bushes and grass and it sparkled with such iridescent beauty, it was impossible to describe in our spoken language.
And every moment I attempted to comprehend the meaning of those words: as I was mesmerized by the sparkle-essence, I was seeing God.
Seeing God.
In His wonder and majesty.
And delighting in Him.
What a miraculous gift we’ve been given.

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