Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Prayer on March 27, 2009

One week ago tomorrow, March 21, 2009, at 1:27 p.m., my sister’s wonderful husband took his last living breath on this earth.
It is still impossible to believe.
56 years old. Another innocent victim of the evil of cancer in the world.
Satan may laugh but the truth is that death cannot conquer those who believe as these. And these believe and know that this man is victor over death and the ravages of that evil because of the work that was finished on the Cross by our Savior and Redeemer.
This is not to say there is no pain. We grieve deeply our loss for his finite, mortal body.
But even through our time of mourning, we keep our eyes and our face fixed like flint on the crown of glory we shall share with Bill and all the saints in the presence of our King.
And so Satan cannot overpower my sister or us while we continue the earthly part of this journey of eternal life.
Glory be to thee, Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear Father God,
Comfort those who do not know you as well and draw them into your presence and the knowledge of who you are.
Let no one turn away now but let them run into your arms – some for the first time – others for the millionth.
Today we go to gaze upon the image of the man named William Paskewich. The real man is already with you.
Tomorrow we go through the traditions of The Church, praying for his soul to be blessed.
And then his earthly body will be cremated.
Because we are but dust. And to dust we shall return. We are nothing without you.
Comfort, protect, and provide for all who gather this weekend.
And make your Presence known.


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