Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Quiet Place

I love my little space hidden in the southwest upper corner of our home.  It is a pretty room, painted blue with pastoral scenes of mares and foals along its border. It is furnished mostly with antiques, and sparsely, with one very comfortable mission style futon that is covered with the softest microfibre.  The west window is covered most of the time by a dark blue roman shade, to insulate me from the glare and heat of the afternoon sun. The south window is a triangular bay that I can keep uncovered most of the time. Outside that window is a massive maple tree with star shaped leaves.  I enjoy its change and growth with every season. When it is perfect outside, I open those two little windows and let the tones of my wind chime on the porch below sing to my soul.
I come hear to be quiet – in my mind and in my heart. It is here that I can meet God without interruption or distraction by the busy-ness of the rest of my life.  It is here where I can write most creatively. I am very grateful for such a treasure.
Where do you go for quiet?

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