I’m saddened at how many people have said they’re thankful 2008 is behind them and how they’re ready for a ‘change’ in ’09. Most of the people I’m thinking of, I don’t know very well. So I don’t know if their reference is to personal circumstances or to more community oriented as, say, the world economy. When they use the word change along with their glad riddance of ’08, I immediately recall the promises of Democrat and Republican presidential candidates, so I tend to think their reference is to something bigger than their personal situation but that will still affect them personally.
But does the dropping of a ball, the turning of a page, the ringing of a chime really make all that difference in our lives? Is that how change comes about? If we’re so desperate for change, isn’t there something we should be doing about it ourselves?
When I look over 2008 for myself, I see the typical ups and downs of life. Perhaps this years’ lows were not as low as other years. Or perhaps I’m older and can evaluate them more wisely now. But just as in years previous, it was never the ‘new year’ that made the difference for me.
What the coming of the new year does for me, however, is give me a moment to pause. It’s as good a time as any, really. But since almost everyone takes the time to celebrate and stop working, pausing fits here, too. I pause to reflect and to look forward with wonder. I reflect on where I’ve been and what I’ve learned. I wonder about the goals I’ve set and the plans to reach them and if any of the above need adjusting. So this rambling post is about just that. Which may be boring for everyone else; I will understand if you stop reading right here. It’s just that for some reason I feel the need to write this and post it, too.
In 2008 I learned a few things about myself that I’m happy about.
I discovered that I really enjoy helping get projects started, whether they are mine or others’. That includes businesses. I see myself as one who helps businesses get off the ground and get stabilized and then to help with marketing concepts and ideas. I’ve discovered my strength as one who can locate resources for people in business. And that I am a great networker and love it. I totally love connecting people to people.
In 2008 I finally came to terms with my style of writing. Even though I wrote what could be the beginning of a fantastic children’s series fifteen years ago, and have written the outline for the entire series, I am not yet a children’s book author. When I went back this year and truthfully examined those pieces, I discovered the concept was for third grade but the reading level was at eighth! I’m okay with the fact that I had a great idea and blew it. When it is the right time in my life, I will take the perfect professional course to teach me how to be a sensational children’s book author. Regarding me as a fiction writer, I have also come to terms with my fiction writing talent ending in the realm of children (someday). As well, I love reading great fiction and humorous fiction and even humorous non fiction. And I have even pined away that, “I can’t write like that. Why?” Well, the answer to that silly question is, because it’s not my style. I am an expository writer. My writing is more journalistic, often in a teaching mode. And, finally, I’m okay with that. There’s a place for writing like mine. All the writers can’t be funny. For goodness sake, what would we know to take seriously?
2008 may or may not have been a spectacular ‘year’ for me. It was certainly not a time I’m hurriedly running from; I can learn from any season in my life. 2008 was a season when I was able to see more of who I am and, best yet, to be content with what I saw.
Looking out on the horizon of 2009, do I hope to see a needed change “happening” for me? No. I do see myself taking time to make concentrated efforts to actualize more greatly my self discoveries. Perhaps in 2009 I will take a marketing course. Or a writing course. Or at the very least, I may complete many unfinished articles, get them critiqued by my peers and then query magazine editors. Hopefully I will concentrate on helping others get their home based business like my two up and running. And get the ball rolling on my small business owner resource group I’ve been talking about facilitating for three years. I hope this is the time I begin doing what it takes to get my reading foundation started which will help inner city and rural kids raise their reading and comprehension levels.
So, turning a page, chiming a bell, dropping a ball can be a good time to pause, reflect, re-evaluate. In order that we can make change happen in our own lives. And in the world around us. And, yes, it is a time to celebrate. Why celebrate? Well, we should celebrate life everyday. Why not now, too? Happy New Year, everyone!
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