Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do Dogs Need Friends? - A Wagging Tale of Jasmine & Gypsy

There is no doubt that adopting Gypsy Rose, a cute and lively brindle and white Boston Terrier/Beagle was exactly what regal, Mahogany colored Boxer Jasmine needed to lead her out of depression and restore her own fun-loving personality.

Gypsy is almost as smart as her new big sister, and just as eager to please her owners, making Ed and I elated. She’s fast as lightning racing around the back yard, giving Jasmine the exercise she has been needing since cousins Nakima and Frodo moved. And she loves to cuddle close to doggies, something Jasmine never got as much as she wanted from Nakima and Frodo.

Tough as it has been to bring in a puppy with zero training at 4 months of age, seeing the bond between the new sisters is reward enough, knowing this perfect match will make the desired difference in the long run.

Do dogs really need friends? I mean, friends in other dogs? I can only answer for Jasmine, and that would be a definitive, yes.


Anonymous said...

I wondering if you have taken the worldview test listed at one of your weblog buddies?

Here are my results/grade:

"Your classification is: Socialist Worldview Thinker

Your score is: 40 points of 168 possible, 23%

Scoring/Ratings Chart
Strong Biblical Worldview Thinker 75% - 100%
Moderate Biblical Worldview Thinker 50% - 74%
Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker 25% - 49%
Socialist Worldview Thinker 0% - 24%
Communist/Marxist/Socialist/Secular Humanist Worldview Thinker under 0% "

Anonymous said...

I believe the need for connection stretches beyond the human line. We connect with our pets, and as any pet owner knows, our pets return the favor.

As humans, we segregate and congregate ourselves into support groups of all kinds, looking for deeper connections with others. I think dogs are looking for the same. Just as pets cannot supply us with all the love, attention and affection we need, we cannot be all to them.

It's fun to imagine what Jasmine & Gypsy exchange, on levels we will never be able to translate.

Thanks for the sweet thoughts.